Partners in Tajikistan

National Bank of Tajikistan

"This project provides an opportunity for the development of entrepreneurial and financial literacy in the rural regions of the country. We hope that with the successful implementation of the project we will be able to create new jobs, conditions for self-employment through training as well as through access to financial institutions in the regions. We are happy to work with the German Sparkssenstiftung in this area and to use the German experience in the development of rural areas and the creation of business communities."

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Bank Arvand

The mission of Arvand Bank CJSC is "To provide quality financial services to entrepreneurs in order to stimulate socio-economic development in Tajikistan", and based on this the Bank continuously strives to expand access to financial services especially in rural areas. A new joint project with the German Sparkassenstiftung on Promoting Rural Development and Strengthening MSME could be a sustainable bridge for financial inclusion. The bank is learning from previous joint projects and looks forward to expanding its expertise and putting into practice the knowledge it has gained, optimising existing processes, developing solutions to sustainably strengthen its financial services, increasing the competence of its staff and introducing new digital services which meets customer requirements. The staff of Arvand Bank, irrespective of their position, will contribute as much as possible to the successful implementation of this project.

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Bank Eskhata

Eskhata Bank is grateful for the long-standing cooperation and the opportunity to participate in the new project "Promoting rural development and strengthening the MSME sector in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan".

We hope to increase financial and entrepreneurial literacy of rural population and their interest in financial services.

And as a consequence, the possibility of increasing incomes and improving living standards for our clients.

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National Association of Small and Medium Business

"In today's world, financial literacy has become a vital element in the skills system. It not only helps people not to be dependent on circumstances and other people, but also to choose the most profitable ways for their development and financial independence. The support provided by such a strong partner as the German Sparkassenstiftung in this field not only enhances the financial culture of our young people, it also leads their future activities to world standards, making a huge contribution to the development of the national economy. We are glad for such cooperation and we always welcome the educational components of partnership programs in improving the well-being of the Tajik society".

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German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation
Regional Office Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue 47a
0179 Tbilisi, Georgia

Phone: +995 32 2224272

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